

21 abril 2022

*Dark Angel Bundt Cake*




*Dark Angel Bundt Cake*

Chocolate & Coconut
This April for our BundtBakers group
With the proposal of Rebekah Rose Hills we are going to have fun
with angels and devils...
She asks us what she inspires us the most???
They both look delicious to me...and you???
Do you want a sweet dark chocolate cake with crunchy coconut balls...
Here it is!!!

Este abril para nuestro grupo BundtBakers
Con la propuesta de Rebekah Rose Hills nos vamos a divertir
con angeles y diablos...
Ella nos pregunta que nos inspira mas???
A mi ambas me parecen deliciosas...y vosotros???
Quereis un pastel meloso de chocolate negro con de bolas de coco crujientes...
Aqui lo teneis!!! 

Ingredientes & Ingredients

210g Harina
400g Azucar
90g Cacao polvo Extra dark (Hershey´s)
2 cucharaditas Bicarbonato
1 cucharadita Levadura
1 cucharadita Sal
240ml Buttermilk
112ml Aceite girasol
3 Huevos
2 cucharaditas Vainilla
237ml Cafe caliente recien hecho
1 tableta chocolate negro
2 cucharadas Azucar glass
1 cucharadita Leche
Coco rallado
6 bombones de coco *Raffaello*
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup and a half granulated sugar
3/4 cup extra dark cocoa (Hershey´s)
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup room temperature Buttermilk
half cup sunflower oil
3 eggs at room temperature
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
237 g freshly brewed hot coffee
1 bar of dark chocolate
2 tablespoons icing sugar
1 teaspoon milk
Grated coconut
6 Coconut chocolates *Raffaello* 

Paso a paso:

Mise en place..

En el bol de la batidora batir los huevos con la vainilla.  Beat the eggs with the vainilla..

Añadir el azucar y batir durante 6 minutos.  Add sugar beat 6 minutes..

Tamizar el harina con el cacao, la levadura y el bicarbonato.  Sift the flour with the cocoa, baking powder and baking soda..

Añadir el aceite.  Add oil..

Añadir la sal.  Add salt..

Añadir ahora la mezcla de harina.  Add the flour mixture..

Añadir la buttermilk, intercalando con el harina.  Add buttermilk, interspersed with the flour..

Por ultmo añadir la taza d cafe caliente y mezclar solo lo justo.  Add de hot coffee..

Ya tenemos lista la masa.  Ready..

Colocar la masa en el molde engrasado previamente.  Pour the dough into the previously greased pan..

Sobre la masa colocar algunos trozos de chocolate.  Place pieces of chocolate on the dough..

Precalentar el horno a 180 grados con calor arriba y abajo. Hornear durante 50 minutos ó hasta que al hacer la prueba del palillo este salga limpio.   Preheat oven to 350° F.  Bake for 50 minutes or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean..

Sacar del horno, reposar 15 minutos, desmoldar para dejar enfriar por completo sobre una rejilla..  Let cake cool in pan for 15 minutes..

Preparamos el glaseado mezclando la leche con el azucar y a los bombones los ponemos con un palillo para darles fuerza.  Prepare the glaze by mixing the milk with the sugar. We put the chocolates with a toothpick to give them strength. 

Angel y Demonio..en verdad una deliciosa propuesta.  Angel and Devil ... really a delicious proposal

Tiene una masa humeda muy untuosa y absolutamente maravillosa..la delicia para los amantes de chocolate, si lo sois...este es vuestro bundt cake.  A delight for chocolate lovers, if you are...this is your bundt cake..

Que lo disfruteis mis Patycofans!!!  Enjoy my Patycofans!!!



#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to 
bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. 
You can see all of our lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board
We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.
Updated links for all of our past events and more information about BundtBakers, 
can be found on our home page

Sneha’s Recipe: Black & White Pound Bundt 

Passion Kneaded: Chocolate Overload Bundt Cake 

Patyco Candybar: Dark Angel Bundt Cake 

Magical Ingredients: Devil's Black Forest Bundt Cake 

A Day in the Life on the Farm: Devil's Bundt Cake 

All That's Left Are The Crumbs: Devil's Food Cake Bundt with Chili Caramel Sauce 

Making Miracles: The Devil's Mini Bundt Cakes 

Food Lust People Love: Lighter Lemon Pound Cake



7 comentarios:

  1. I love the addition of the coconut truffles! So pretty!

  2. I love the addition of the coconut balls!

  3. Those coconut candies take this cake right over the top.

  4. This cake is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!! The color and texture look like perfection!

  5. Stunning cake as usual! Love your bakes and this cake has turned out beautiful. Bet this is very delicious!


Gracias por leerme y comentar mi receta... me hace mucha ilusión!
Tus comentarios seran bienvenidos y si teneis alguna duda o pregunta estare encantada de responder, dejame tu mail y podré contestarte directamente!
Pato Abracitos!!!
Thanks for reading and commenting my recipe ... Im very excited!
Your comments are welcome and if you have any questions I´ll be happy to answer, let me your mail and I can answer directly!
Love Pato!!!