*Hersheys´s Cookies´n´Creme Bundt Cake*
Hello my Patycofans ...
Today Thursday is the day to publish bundts in the company of
my friends #BundtBakers
And today I have the honor to be the hosted!
A tribute to our beloved moms in their month.
The best thing is to bake a delicious cake with your favorite flavor of chocolate bars ...
A theme full of love and many memories so that their smiles always shine for us !!!
And of course now I talk about my mommy ... For us it is our Coqui!
She loves milk chocolate in all forms of it!
And with the cookie sprinkles that the Hersheys bars bring ..
she is even happier very happy!
I'm sure this bundt will make you smile !!!
Hola mis Patycofans...
Hoy jueves es dia de publicar bundts en compañia de
Y hoy tengo el honor de ser yo la que ha propuesto el tema!
Para hacer homenaje a nuestras adoradas Mamis en su mes.
Que mejor que hornear una deliciosa tarta con su sabor favorito de chocolatina...
Un tema lleno de amor y muchos recuerdos para que sus sonrisas
siempre brillen para nosotras!!!
Y por supuesto ahora os hablo de mi Mami..Para nosotras es nuestra Coqui!
A ella le encanta el chocolate con leche en todas susu formas!
Y con las chispitas de galleta que traen las chocolatinas Hersheys..
Es aun mas feliz muy feliz!
Estoy segura que esta tarta la hara sonreir!!!
1 cup sugar
1/ 2 cup butter softened
1/ 4 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/ 2 cups all-purpose flour
1/ 2 Hersheys milk Chocolate bar
1 Hersheys Chocolate Cookies Creme
1/ 2 cup milk
1/ 4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
pinch Salt
Cake topping:
2 Hersheys Chocolate bars Cookies Creme
100g Milk Chocolate
1 taza Azúcar
100g Mantequilla pomada
1/ 4 cucharadita Sal
2 Huevos
1 cucharadita Vainilla
1 1/ 2 tazas Harina
1/ 2 Tableta
Hersheys Chocolate con leche
1 tableta Chocolate Cookies Creme
1/ 2 taza Leche
1/ 4 cucharaditas Bicarbonato
1 cucharadita Levadura
pizca Sal
2 tabletas Hersheys Chocolate Cookies Creme
100g Chocolate con leche
Paso a paso:
Mise en place..
Precalentar el horno a 180 grados, calor arriba y abajo. Engrasar y enharinar el molde. Heat oven to 325 degrees F. Grease and flour Bundt Pan. |
En el molde de la batidora mezclar la mantequilla con el azucar, hasta que se forme una crema suave. In large bowl, mix sugar and butter until light and fluffy. |
Añadir los huevos de uno en uno, mezclando muy bien entre cada uno. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. |
Mezclar bien. Mix well. |
Derretir al baño Maria el chocolate con leche. Melt the Hersheys milk chocolate. |
Añadir tambien el chocolate con galletas y derretir. Add Hersheys cookies and melt. |
Aparte tamizar el harina con la levadura y la sal. In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and salt.. |
Añadir a la masa de los huevos el resto de los ingredientes, menos el chocolate derretido y el bicarbonato. Add all remaining ingredients except chocolate syrup and baking soda; mix well. |
Mezclar bien el chocolate derretido con el bicarbonato. Stir in chocolate syrup and baking soda; mix well. |
Para colocarlo en el fondo del molde repartiendolo bien. Pour chocolate batter into prepared pan. |
Colocar encina del chocolate la mitad de la masa, y encima colocar algunos trozos de chocolatina de galletas, tal como lo veis. Spoon white batter over chocolate batter, put pieces of chocolate on the dough.
Terminamos de poner el resto de la masa. Finish with the rest of the mixture. |
Horneamos durante 45 minutos mas o menos ó hasta que al hacer la prueba del palillo este salga limpio. Bake at 325 degrees F for 45 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out clean. |
Dejamos reposar 15 minutos. Cool 15 minutes. |
Desmoldar y dejar enfriar por completo sobre una rejilla. Veis que corona de chocolate tan bonita tiene el bundt cake! Remove from pan, cool completely on rack. You see so beautiful crown chocolate bundt cake! |
Para hacer la cobertura, derretimos al baño Maria el chocolate con leche y el chocolate con galletas. To make the coverage melt the milk chocolate and hersheys cookies in a bain-marie.. |
Mezclar bien y ya tendremos listo el chocolate. Mix well and we will have ready chocolate.. |
Bañar la tarta y decorar con migas de chocolatina. Cover the cake and decorate with chocolate crumbs. |
Listo el bundt cake para mi Coqui! Bundt cake ready for my Coqui!
Espero que a vosotros tambien os guste mi deliciosa tarta de chocolate con leche y galletas. Mi Coqui esta enamorada y muy feliz!!! I hope you also like my delicious milk chocolate cake and cookies. My Coqui is in love and very happy !!!
Que la disfruteis!!! Enjoy!!! |
Mi Coqui
Mom's Favorite Chocolate Bar. May 2021
Here are the recipes of my bakers:

#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a
month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or themeYou can see all of
our lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board.
We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.
Updated links for all of our past events and more information about
BundtBakers, can be found on our home page
My daughter is studying spanish at school (she's in the dual language program) so I love reading your posts even more trying to pick up some of the words I hear during her classes! This cake is just gorgeous!! That drippy white chocolate topping is amazing!
ResponderEliminarOhhh ... I'm happy for your daughter ...
EliminarYou will also learn Spanish by her side! he he
Thank you very much for your words!
A gorgeous cake and a wonderful theme. Thanks for hosting Pato.
ResponderEliminarThanks to you Stacy!
EliminarFinally it has been a success!
I see many beautiful, delicious recipes and full of love!!!
Wow! I am speechless! This is the most stunning and delicious cake!
ResponderEliminarOhhh thank you..
EliminarIs a recipe inspired with love!!!
What an amazing cake, love Hershey's Cookies and cream.
ResponderEliminarThanks for picking such a heartwarming theme. Your pictures are always styled perfectly!