*Roasted Squash Brown Butter Bundt Cake*
*Bundt cake de Mantequilla Tostada y Calabaza asada*
5-ingredients Hosting: Patricia from Patty’s Cake https://pattyscake-pbb.blogspot.com/
This cake is inspired by a sweet recipe Chef magnificent ´´Zoë François´´, which in turn was inspired by another great ... I speak of ´´Aran Goyoaga's´´ and his wonderful book *Cannelle et Vanille*
Their recipes are gluten-free, but as our challenge is January with only five ingredients
to cook have adapted and changed the method decreased ...
The result has been amazing ... really amazing, my happy family and I can do more!
If you are passionate about gluten-free recipes in this book you will find a selection of great recipes!
Today we’re using it to bake butternut squash brown butter bundt cake. There’s something about brown butter that is a game changer. If a recipe has brown butter in the ingredients it’s most likely going to be amazing. This bundt cake is no exception.
Only 5 ingredients, a challenge ... let's start:
Esta tarta esta inspirada en una dulce receta de la magnifica ´´Chef Zoë François´´, que a su vez se ha inspirado en otra grande...os hablo de ´´Aran Goyoaga´´ y su maravilloso libro *Cannelle et Vanille*
Sus recetas son libres de gluten, pero como nuestro reto de enero es cocinar solo con cinco ingredientes he adaptado, disminuido y cambiado el procedimiento ...El resultado ha sido delicioso..realmente sorprendente, mi familia feliz y yo mas si se puede!!!
Si os apasionan las recetas sin gluten, en este libro encontraras una selección de recetas estupendas!
La calabaza puede ser una de las verduras más versátiles en la huerta, se puede condimentar o endulzar. Hoy la voy a usar para hornear esta tarta de calabaza tostada.
Hay algo sobre la mantequilla tostada que cambia las reglas del juego. Si una receta tiene mantequilla tostada en los ingredientes, lo más probable es que sea increíble.
Este Bundt cake no es la excepción!!
Solo 5 ingredientes, todo un reto...empecemos:
500g Calabaza. (1 1/2 cup squash)
100g Mantequilla. (1 cup unsalted butter)
260g Harina (2 cups all purpose flour)
3 huevos temperatura ambiente. (3 eggs at room temperature)
200g Azucar moreno. (1 cup light brown sugar
Paso a paso: (Method:)
Mise en place. Precalentar el horno a 180 grados, calor arriba y abajo. (Preheat the oven to 350 degrees, heat up and down) |
Cocinar la calabaza durante 25 minutos con media cucharadita de canela y 2 clavos de olor. (Cook the squash for 25 minutes with a half teaspoon of cinnamon and 2 cloves) |
Escurrir y dejar enfriar. (Drain and cool.) |
Derretir la mantequilla en un cazo pequeño, cuidando su coccion. ( Melt the butter in a small sauce pan over medium high heat.) |
A fuego medio alto cocinar hasta que suelte ese olor delicioso a nuez tostada, retirar.(Continue cooking butter until the milk solids start to turn brown and smell nutty) |
Dejar enfriar la mantequilla tostada en una taza. ( Pour the brown butter into a bowl and set aside to cool.) |
Triturar la calabaza. ( Scoop the squash flesh into the blender or food processor) |
Sera un pure muy suave, reservar. (And purée until smooth) |
Separar las yemas de las claras y batir.(Separate the yolks from the whites and beat) |
Añadir el azucar moreno y batir. (Add brown sugar and mix) |
Incorporar poco a poco el pure de calabaza. (whisk gradually the squash puree) |
Montar las claras con una pizca de sal. (the beaten egg whites with a pinch of salt.) |
Aqui estan las claras montadas y listas. (Here are the lists egg whites.) |
Este es el especto de la masa de calabaza. (This is the squash dough.) |
Añadir la mantequilla tostada que ya estara tibia.( Mix in the squash purée cooled brown butter) |
Debemos colarla porque tiene impuresas y puede quedar feo dentro del pastel. (Strain it because it has impurities) |
Batir integrando la masa y la mantequilla tostada. (Mix integrating the dough and toasted butter) |
Añadir el harina, cerniendo sobre la masa. (Sift flour on the dough.) |
Hacerlo en 3 veces para integrar bien el harina. (Do it in 3 times to integrate well the flour) |
Por ultimo añadir la masa a las claras de huevo montadas. (Finally add mass to the mounted egg whites) |
Mezclar con la espatula en movimientos envolventes. (Mix with the spatula in smooth movements) |
Colocar la masa en el molde Bundt Heritage, previamente engrasado con mantequilla ó con spray desmoldante. ( Spoon the batter into the prepared Bundt Heritage) |
Hornear durante 50 minutos ó hasta que el palillo salga limpio. Yo coloco el molde sobre una bandeja para que tenga mas estabilidad dentro del horno. (Bake for 50 minutes or until golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean) |
Aqui recien salido del horno, dejar enfriar durante 15 minutos antes de desmoldar. (Ready, cool the cake in the pan for 15 minutes) |
Mirad que bonito aspecto. dejar enfriar por completo sobre una rejilla. (then invert the cake into a cooling rack and remove the pan) |
Aqui podeis ver que aspecto mas bonito tiene este pastel. Opcional: Para emplatar lo he espolvoreado con azucar glass, algunas moras y migas de bizcocho red velvet. Verdad que os gusta...el sabor es delicioso, muy compacto y con el aroma de la mantequilla tostada!!! (Optional: dust with powdered sugar, some blackberries and crumbs of red velvet cake ... The look is really nice...true that you like...the taste is delicious, very compact and with the smell of brown butter!)
Bundt Bakers
5-ingredient Bundt Cakes
#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme or ingredient.
Hosting: Patricia from Patty’s Cake https://pattyscake-pbb.blogspot.com/
You can see all our of lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board. Updated links for all of our past events and more information about #BundtBakers, can be found on our home page.
And don’t forget to take a peek at what other talented bakers have baked this month:
Genial, Paty!!! Te ha quedado de escándalo. Increíble que con 5 ingredientes salgan cosas tan ricas. Gracias, guapa! Bss.
ResponderEliminarGracias a ti Patty, la idea de 5 ingredientes te pone a trabajar el cerebro, todo un reto, afortunadamente el resultado a sido deli, besitosss!
EliminarLove pumpkin cake and this version looks so moist and delicious. It reminds me of muffins I made using leftover sweet potato puree. YUM
ResponderEliminarWow ... with sweet potato ... it's a great idea too, thank you very much!
EliminarUmmm delicioso 💕💕
ResponderEliminarGracias Guapisima!!
EliminarThe squash sounds amazing- I bet this will be a hit in the autumn months before Thanksgiving.
ResponderEliminarYes of course ... it is so rich that it serves all seasons, Thank you very much!
EliminarThis sounds delicious and that pan always makes for a gorgeous presentation.
ResponderEliminarThank you very much Sandra, has an aroma that love !!
EliminarBrowned butter makes everything BETTER! I love the flavors in your cake, Patricia!
ResponderEliminarIt's true Stacy ... the browned butter is delicious. Thanks a lot!